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时间:2017年03月08日 信息来源:黔南民族师范学院 点击: 加入收藏 】【 字体:

我校客座教授天体物理学家Stefanie Komossa(斯蒂芬尼·柯莫萨)教授作为合作者,以我校为她署名单位在英国《自然》 (Nature Astronomy)杂志上发表了题为The stellar disruption of a star by the tidal forces of a black hole”的科学亮点论文,这是我校作为合作单位首次在国际顶级刊物《自然》杂志上发表署名学术论文。

我校2016年3月,依托世界最大单天线射电望远镜FAST,成立了物理与天文系,并在去年开设了贵州省第一个天文学本科班,聘请了包括Stefanie Komossa教授在内的一批知名教授,该文章的发表将极大提升我校在天文学科显示度。





这幅图描绘的现象被天文学家称之为“潮汐瓦解事件(TDE)”。 当一个物体,譬如一个恒星,接近一个黑洞时,会被黑洞强大引力产生的潮汐力所破坏。 在一个“潮汐瓦解事件”中,一些恒星碎片以高速向外抛出,而剩余的部分(图中红色显示)将落向黑洞,在其下落过程中将变得越来越热,产生显著的X射线耀斑。右下角两个插图分别显示了在可见光和X射线波段光的耀斑事件。

Stefanie Komossa(斯蒂芬尼·柯莫萨)教授执笔撰写的英文报道原文及林达成博士(论文第一作者)翻译译文如下:


Discovery made by NASA’s and ESA’s X-ray observatories in space.

A giant black hole ripped apart a star and then gorged on its remains for about a decade, according to an international team of astronomers, who published their discovery in the JournalNature Astronomytoday. The team involves a visiting professor from QianNan Normal University for Nationalities. The finding is based on the discovery of a very luminous and long-lasting flare of high-energy radiation, detected with space-based observatories: NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and Swift satellite as well as ESA’s XMM-Newton.

The trio of orbiting X-ray telescopes found evidence for a “tidal disruption event” (TDE), wherein the tidal forces due to the intense gravity from a black hole can destroy an object – such as a star – that wanders too close. During a TDE, some of the stellar debris is flung outward at high speeds, while the rest falls toward the black hole. As it travels inwards to be ingested by the black hole, the material heats up to millions of degrees and generates a distinct X-ray flare.

The extraordinary long bright phase of this event spanning over ten years means that among observed TDEs this was either the most massive star ever to be completely torn apart during one of these events, or the first where a smaller star was completely torn apart.

The event is located in a small galaxy about 1.8 billion light years from Earth. It was noted, when it became at least a factor 100 brighter in X-rays, and then remained at its remarkable brightness for more than a decade. The stream of stellar debris rapidly falls onto the black hole at a high rate, thereby feeding the black hole with the stellar remains.

This TDE may help answer the question as to how supermassive black holes in the early universe grow. If supermassive black holes can grow from TDEs or other means at a very fast rate, this could explain how supermassive black holes were able to reach masses about a billion times higher than the sun when the universe was only about a billion years old.

“In the near future, the world’s largest single-dish radio observatory,FAST, located in QianNan prefecture, can be used to study the radio signals from stellar disruptions by black holes,” said Dr. Ligong Mi, acting head of the newly established department of Physics and Astronomy at QNUN. The department was launched last March, just before the FAST inauguration, “It is likely, and would be our great honor, if such future discoveries will be made by some of the first astronomy students from QNUN at the home province of FAST”, added President (Yunhui) Shi from QNUN.

A paper describing the results appears in Nature Astronomy on February 6th and is available online https://arxiv.org/abs/1702.00792.

Contact for further information:

Dr. Dacheng Lin, email: dacheng@dachenglin.com

First author of theNaturepublication

Dr. Stefanie Komossa, email:astrokomossa@gmx.de

Visiting Professor at QNUN and co-author of the publication

Dr. Ligong MI, miligong@sgmtu.edu.cn

Acting Head, Department of Physics and Astronomy at QNUN



根据一个由多国天文学家组成的国际团队,一个巨大的黑洞撕碎了一颗恒星,然后拼命地吞噬其遗骸大约十年。他们的这一发现今天发表在“自然天文学杂志”上。该团队包括黔南民族师范学院的一名客座教授。这一发现是基于探测到一个非常持久而明亮的高能辐射耀斑。 该耀斑被美国航天局的钱德拉X射线望远镜和雨燕卫星以及欧空局的XMM-牛顿卫星检测到。




这个X射线耀斑(缩写为XJ1500 + 0154)来自距离地球约18亿光年的小星系中。


哈佛 - 史密森天体物理中心的合作者James Guillochon说,“在我们观测到的大部分时间里,这个黑洞在迅速增长。这告诉我们一个不寻常的东西 - 比如一个明星比我们的太阳重两倍 - 被送入黑洞。”


“这个事件表明,黑洞真的可以以非常快的速度增长,”来自中国都匀市的黔南民族师范学院的合着者Stefanie Komossa说。 “这可能有助于了解超大质量黑洞如何过早形成。”

根据研究人员的模型,供给给黑洞的恒星饲料在未来十年会显着减少。这将导致XJ1500 + 0154在未来几年的X射线亮度衰减。





Stefanie Komossa博士(黔南民族师范学院客座教授和论文合作者),电子邮件:astrokomossa@gmx.de


(作者:佚名 编辑:黔南民族师范学院)


